About us!

This page is all about the staff at Dragonball Evolution:

Ozma - Builder/Coder (Owner)
Krono - Coder (Co-Owner)
Zeveris - Builder (Co-Owner)
Lacima - Lore/Story Writer (Greater God)
Chubs - RP/Builder (Greater God)
Ragna - Builder (Creator)


Memnoc - RIP

A massive statue has been erected in memory of Memnoc, one of DBE's
most loyal players, friend to almost anyone he had contact with on this game.
He was taken from the world too early by complications caused by a blood clot. He will always be remembered here as one of the few players with the dedication to top the scoreboard of levels not once, but twice. Thoughts and prayers go out to anyone who was close to him. Rest in peace, Memnoc.

Fred "Memnoc" Clingen
July 14th, 1987 - September 30th, 2009
The True Demon King